
Concept Explanation


One promising area of treating viral disease is nanomedicine. Nanotechnology involves the study and use of extremely small things in the range 1-100 nanometers (nm). Öne nanometer is very small-it is one-billionth of a meter or one-millionth of a millimeter. Nanomedicine involves the applications of nanoparticles. In one approach, scientists are working to develop 'Nanotraps'.  Nanotraps are molecules that imitate the surface of a cell membrane that viruses use to center the cell. The viruses bind to the nanotraps rather than entering and infecting the cell and are then cleared away by the body's own defenses. The molecule that is used to create the nanotraps are found naturally in the body so they are unlikely to cause side effects. Nanotraps can be easily administered and they are inexpensive to manufacture. In another area of research, scientists are developing nanoparticles that deliver an enzyme that stops the reproduction of viruses.

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